The WFFM is a thematic space of the WSF of Montréal.
Financial partners
The World Forum on Free Media 2016 is supported by: Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada; Dean of Arts Development Fund (McGill), Department of Art History and Communication Studies (McGill), Chaire de recherche du Canada en éducation aux médias et droits humains (Teluq) Chaire de recherche UQAM sur les usages des technologies numériques et les mutations de la communication (UQAM), Ritimo, Beaverbrook Chair in Ethics, Media and Communications (McGill), James McGill Chair in Culture and Technology (McGill), Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy (McGill), Institute for the Study of International Development (McGill).
Sites des organisations partenaires du processus du FMML
We, communicators and activists committed to multiple emancipatory communication practices across different regions of the world, freely assembled in March 2015 in Tunis, on the occasion of the 4th World Forum on Free Media, organized as part of (…)